Mislim, možda zemlja stvarno prolazi kroz te cikluse hlađenja i grijanja, no ne može se poreći da čovjek uvelike pridonosi tom "prirodnom" zatopljenju.
BTW: Turin, welcome back

Moderator: ABIZMO
Dragonchild wrote:@ Turin - nitko ne poriče da zatopljenje postoji, pitanje je samo koliko mi stvarno tome pridonosimo, a koliko je to prirodna stvar. Da ne skužiš krivo, i ja sam za očuvanje okoliša, bez obzira na to koliko mu mi štetili, čisto zato jer smatram da ga nemamo pravo zagađivati, sve i kad bi bila istina da naš utjecaj u svemu tome i nije velik. Ali čisto me zanima koliko istine ima u ovoj priči, i čini mi se da je ima poprilično. Puuuuno mi je logičnije da se Zemljina klima mijenja u ogromnom postotku zbog Sunca, nego zbog nas.
It has been suggested that recent climate change may be due to variations in solar output,[27][28] and that climate models may overestimate the relative effect of greenhouse gases compared to solar forcing.[29] Even with an enhanced climate sensitivity to solar forcing, most of the warming since the mid-20th century is attributable to the increases in greenhouse gases.[29] Others have suggested that the Sun may have contributed about 45–50 percent of the increase in the average global surface temperature over the period 1900–2000, and about 25–35 percent between 1980 and 2000.[30] There has been no increase of solar brightness over the last 1,000 years.[31] Solar cycles led to a negligible increase in brightness over the last 30 years, but this effect is too small to contribute significantly to global warming.[32] The combined effect of natural climate forcing, solar variation and changes in volcanic activity, probably had a warming effect from pre-industrial times to 1950 but a cooling effect since.[1] An increase in solar activity should warm the stratosphere, whereas an increase in greenhouse gases should produce cooling there.[33] The observed trend since at least 1960 has been a cooling of the lower stratosphere.[34]
Turin Turambar wrote:Ponavljam pitanje, jesi li se ti potrudila uopće imalo proučit mainstream znanstveno stajalište prema toj teoriji? Najlakše je nekritički povjerovat svakom zavodljivom crackpot - conspiracy theory filmu kojeg pogledaš...
Turin Turambar wrote:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_war ... _variation
Ponavljam pitanje, jesi li se ti potrudila uopće imalo proučit mainstream znanstveno stajalište prema toj teoriji? Najlakše je nekritički povjerovat svakom zavodljivom crackpot - conspiracy theory filmu kojeg pogledaš...
Mormegil wrote:Turin Turambar wrote:Ponavljam pitanje, jesi li se ti potrudila uopće imalo proučit mainstream znanstveno stajalište prema toj teoriji? Najlakše je nekritički povjerovat svakom zavodljivom crackpot - conspiracy theory filmu kojeg pogledaš...
Mainstream znanstveno stajalište je bilo i da je zemlja ravna ploča
Mormegil wrote:i nadalje plin koji se zagrijava se širi, postaje lakši od zraka i penje se više u atmosferu, gdje onda gubi toplinu ... (ako sam ja ovo dobro postavio, me needzor Luc)
Mormegil wrote:Pa nitko ne govori da ga ne treba smanjiti, samo mi ide na k Turinovo apokaliptično popovanje.
Mormegil wrote:daj shvati wikipedia nije pouzdan izvor informacija jer svaki kreten može natrabunjat nešto da zvući relativno pametno
The Tormentor wrote:Mormegil wrote:Pa nitko ne govori da ga ne treba smanjiti, samo mi ide na k Turinovo apokaliptično popovanje.
Mi smo prva generacija živih bića koja se čudi ko pura dreku izmjeni glacijala i interglacijala. Dobro ajde, zbog auspuha su bile rupe u ozonskom omotaču al su sad ok, to još mogu popušit, ali daj se saberite...
Efekt staklenika se ne javlja radi toga kaj se tu i tam izlije nafta u more, jer baciš papirić od kaugume na pod umjesto u kantu, pa čak ni jer ogromne tvornice imaju dimnjake iz kojih izlazi poprilična količina svakakvih plinova. To se jednostavno dešava, povuci vikendicu 2 metra dalje od obale i obuci kratke rukave.
Yeah, također i ima edit gumb iznad svakog pasusaTurin Turambar wrote:Mormegil wrote:daj shvati wikipedia nije pouzdan izvor informacija jer svaki kreten može natrabunjat nešto da zvući relativno pametno
Jebote kako mi ide na k ovo konstantno omalovažavanje wikipedije, kao, wikipedija je svačija prčija gdje svatko može pisat šta god hoće. Ako nisi primijetio, svaka tvrdnja u nekom wiki članku ima na kraju onaj mali broj u zagradi koji je, ako nisi znao, zapravo link na izvor iz kojeg je tvrdnja izvučena, odnosno, u ovom kontekstu, na znanstveno istraživanje koje potkrepljuje navedenu tvrdnju! Ok? A ako taj izvor nedostaje, u zagradi će pisat "citation needed". Ok? Tako da ovo konstatno sranje po wikipediji kao nečemu šta nema nikakve težine jednostavno ne stoji.
There are at least two reasons we shouldn’t let the debate delay aggressive national policies and investments that reduce carbon emissions.
The first is the well-known Precautionary Principle. It was either Gore or Arnold Schwarzenegger, I believe, who explained the Precautionary Principle with this analogy: Suppose your daughter is sick. You take her to 10 doctors. Nine of them diagnose cancer; the tenth disagrees. Do you treat her for cancer? Responsible parents would say yes. We can argue about the prognosis, we can differ on our estimate of how quickly the cancer is progressing, but we need to treat it.
The second reason is what we might call the Wealth of Benefits Principle, the basis of my statement that you don’t have to believe in climate change to accept that taking action is a great idea. The prescription for fighting global warming – a shift from fossil fuels to low- and no-carbon energy – has so many benefits that we’d have to be misanthropes, anthropomaniacs or Armageddonites to argue against it.
To illustrate, take this test: Do any of the following appeal to you?
1. Dramatically reducing childhood asthma and suffering from other illnesses caused by air pollution from vehicles and power plants.
2. Lowering the strain those illnesses put on the health care system and its costs.
3. Ending the subsidies we send to terrorist organizations with our purchases of gasoline and other petroleum products.
4. Plugging the massive hole in the national economy, in which we transfer huge amounts of American wealth to oil-producing nations.
5.Creating the equivalent of new tax-free disposable income for every energy consumer (that’s all of us) by improving the energy efficiency of our vehicles, homes, businesses and communities.
6. Unhitching the economy from supply disruptions and price volatility associated with fossil fuels, including extortion by unfriendly oil-producing nations.
7. Ending the many other damages to humans and the environment caused by fossil energy production, including oil and slurry spills, groundwater contamination, the dumping of mine waste into waterways, the demolition of mountains, and the loss of wilderness and wildlife habitat to drilling.
8. Minimizing the loss of life and property worldwide to drought, wildfires, floods and hurricanes.
9. Reducing traffic congestion so we have more time to court our spouses and play with our kids.
10. Living in communities where the essentials are no more than a 15-minute walk or a 5-minute bicycle ride away.
11. Being able to eat fish without fear of mercury poisoning.
12. Making it far less likely that we will have to send our children to war to seize foreign oil supplies.
13. Creating millions of green jobs that can’t be exported overseas.
14. Making much of our own electricity on our rooftops rather than paying utilities to do it, and powering our cars with green electric energy rather than paying Exxon Mobil and the other oil companies to do it.
15. Traveling between cities on modern, high-speed trains rather than waiting in airport security lines, being frisked by TSA, suffering delays and missed connections, and losing our luggage on airlines.
16. Helping the poor in America and in other nations achieve a decent and sustainable standard of living.
17. Creating a national energy system that is less vulnerable to terrorist attack, sabotage and outages caused by natural disasters.
I could go on.
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