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METALJOT RASPALJOT open air festival 2018

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Re: METALJOT RASPALJOT open air festival 2018

Postby Atreides » Thu Jul 05, 2018 13:19

Traveling / acoomodation / attractions

Traveling to Metaljot Raspaljot - open air festival 2018 shouldn't be a problem, because Laško is very nicely situated on the map. For instance there are practically highways from all possible directions! Also train connections with Croatia, Hungary, Italy and Austria are very nice. Slovenia is not a particulary big country so the festival is really near for all countries in vicinity, here are few distances from Laško

Zagreb 102km
Rijeka 188km
Graz 132km
Vienna 318km
Zalaegerszeg 188km
Budapest 398km
Trieste 182km

About accomodation, sadly this year we put our max effort into making it possible to provide you a camp, but in the end there were too many obsticles, but there are various options in Laško and nearby cities like Celje. You can choose beetween very vivid sort of hotels, motels, hostels, apartments and so on. We reccomend you using web pages like http://www.booking.com , http://www.airbnb.com and http://www.trivago.si.
Last but not least, if you have time and come earlier or stay later after the festival we extremely reccomend you to take some time and visit some of many attractions in Laško. Laško is known as an old town, with big history and tradtion in many things such as brewery, spa/thermal tourism. There are simply to many things to count, so we reccomend you to visit Tourist Information Center (TIC) in town center or visit their we page http://www.lasko.info/…/…/100-tourist-information-centre-tic#


On festival Metaljot Raspaljot - open air festival 2018 we will please every single taste! Brunarca Laško will provide us delicious and tasty burgers! Cocktail bar will be offering 5 refreshing cocktails! Along with other regular offerr, there will be also a craft beer from Green Gold Brewing!


Metaljot Raspaljot - open air festival 2018

16:00 - DOORS
17:00 - 17:30 - Valuk
17:40 - 18:10 - Sarcom
18:20 - 18:50 - Panikk
19:10 - 19:50 - Kaoz
20:10 - 20:50 - Paragoria
21:10 - 22:10 - Noctiferia
22:30 - 23:20 - Interceptor (their last show!)
23:40 - 01:00 - DECAPITATED
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