Ne znam, meni bi poricanje globalnog zatopljenja bilo smiješno, da nije tužno...i potpuno mi je bizarno, apsurdno i u krajnju ruku tragično da sve više raste popularnost toj teoriji da globalno zatopljenje ne postoji kad svakom godinom sve više osjećamo njegove posljedice. A teorija da ono postoji ali da ljudi nisu krivi za njega mi je prejadno odbacivanje odgovornosti za sranje koje radimo prirodi i sebi samima...
S poricanjem globalnog zatopljenja (ili preciznije rečeno, sjebavanja klime) je ista stvar kao s poricanjem evolucije ili Holokausta, to je sve na istoj razini - uvijek će se nać par
nutjob znanstvenika ili "znanstvenika" koji će iznosit "dokaze" da to nije istina, ali postoji konzenzus ogromne većine znanstvene zajednice da je teorija valjana i to je jasno. A i čini mi se da ljudi koji pročitaju neki članak ili pogledaju par instant-propagandnih filmića na youtebu nisu ništa ozbiljno ni pročitali o globalnom zatopljenju, njegovim uzrocima i posljedicama. Na sve se tako možeš navuć i svaku teoriju zavjere popušit, ako nemaš razvijenu kritičku svijest.
Osim toga, pogledajte kakav profil ljudi promiče tu teoriju zavjere
i tko sponzorira ljude koji promiču tu teoriju. Dovoljno je bacit pogled šta na wikipediji kažu o tome: ... ax#Motives
Mislim, ono: ne trebamo se brinit zbog global warminga jer čovjek ne utječe na klimu, ne trebamo se brinit zbog peak oila jer nafte ima beskonačno, možemo slobodno nastavit sa svojim šugavim bijednim ispraznim konzumerističkim stilom života, jelda? Neodgovorno i jadno.
Osim toga, jedan pametan lik je još odavno napravio odličan video koji argumentira da, čak i ako uzmemo u obzir mogućnost da je to sve jedna velika laž crveno-zelenih-un-nwo zavjerenika koji žele uništit american dream i sva ta sranja - čak i ako uzmemo takve gluposti u obzir, opet nam je pametnije da nešto poduzmemo u vezi global warminga jer imamo PUNO VIŠE ZA IZGUBIT ako ne poduzmemo ništa:
P.S. Evo još nešto šta sam našao u 10 sekundi guglanja: ... s-47011101
Jel vas ovo podsjeća na nešto drugo (hint:kreacioniste)? Dodajmo samo par zanimljivosti o dotičnom sen(r)atoru:
As a member of the Armed Services Committee, he was among the panelists questioning witnesses about the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse. There he made news by claiming he was "outraged by the outrage" over the revelations of abuse, suggesting that shock at the crimes was more offensive than the crimes themselves.[8][9] He has also criticized the Red Cross as a "bleeding heart".[10] In 2006, Inhofe was one of only nine senators to vote against the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 banning torture on individuals in U.S. Government custody.[11]
Inhofe states, "I believe very strongly that we ought to support Israel, and that it has a right to the land, because God said so."
In a Senate speech, Inhofe said that America should base its Israel policy on the text of the Bible:
I believe very strongly that we ought to support Israel; that it has a right to the land. This is the most important reason: Because God said so. As I said a minute ago, look it up in the book of Genesis. It is right up there on the desk.
In Genesis 13:14–17, the Bible says:
The Lord said to Abraham, "Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are northward, and southward, and eastward and westward: for all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your seed forever. . . . Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it to thee." That is God talking.
The Bible says that Abraham removed his tent and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar before the Lord. Hebron is in the West Bank. It is at this place where God appeared to Abram and said, "I am giving you this land — the West Bank". This is not a political battle at all. It is a contest over whether or not the word of God is true.
Inhofe is in favor of a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, against adding sexual orientation to the definition of hate crimes, and voted against prohibiting job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.[35]
On June 6, 2006, in a speech on the Senate floor about the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment, Inhofe said, pointing at a large photograph of his family:
...As you see here, and I think this is maybe the most important prop we’ll have during the entire debate, my wife and I have been married 47 years. We have 20 kids and grandkids. I'm really proud to say that in the recorded history of our family, we've never had a divorce or any kind of homosexual relationship.
Da, znam, i Hitler je bio vegetarijanac. Ali nadam se da će vas uvjerene global warming "skeptike" ovo bar natjerat da se malo zamislite.