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Pink Fairies

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Pink Fairies

Postby Blackadder123 » Thu Nov 28, 2013 1:08

Grdi bend :D. Salim se. Bend koji je nakon Deviantsa otvarao put punku, ali oni su mjesali i underground i psihodeliju i garage rock, kako na kom albumu. Vodja benda od treceg albuma Larry Wallis sa Lemmy-em stvorio Motorhead. Motorheadi su na prva dva albuma "On Parole" i "Motorhead" svirali stvari Hawkwind i Pink Fairies kao i solo materijal Larry Wallisa. Nakon ta dva studijska i na sljedeca tri live izdanja (koja su izasla naknadno).

Pa evo:






Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Postby renewal » Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:05

Music is a safe kind of high!
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Postby Blackadder123 » Thu Nov 28, 2013 12:50

Aha :D. Ma to sam tu stavio te sve bendove jer se medjusobno ispreplicu, medjusobnim suradnjama.
Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Postby Blackadder123 » Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:52

Nasao sam ovaj cd za 10 EUR, izdan kako cujem u 1000 primjeraka. To su nekadasnja dva clana Pink Fairies iz prve postave izdala dva albuma 90tih pod imenom Pink Fairies, samo su oni gore.
http://www.discogs.com/Pink-Fairies-No- ... se/2790111

Evo slike iz knjizice gdje se malo spominju Motorhead (ako se slika urusi, klikni na link gore i ispod naslovne slike 'more images')

Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Postby Blackadder123 » Sat May 31, 2014 16:07

Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Postby Blackadder123 » Sat Oct 04, 2014 1:01

Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Postby Blackadder123 » Tue Oct 07, 2014 21:18

Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Postby Blackadder123 » Wed Oct 08, 2014 16:24

Jedan od mnogih bendova gdje je bio John Alder Twink (jedan od osnivaca Pink Fairies), jedan punk bend koji ima samo jedan singl, 1977:

Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Postby Blackadder123 » Wed Oct 08, 2014 23:53

Larry Wallis je tu prije Pink Fairies-a a poslije UFO-a.


Steven Took je imao jos jedan band i svirao sa Syd Barrett - om. Pogledati na wikipediji Steven Peregrin Took...
Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Re: Pink Fairies

Postby Blackadder123 » Mon Dec 22, 2014 15:07

Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Re: Pink Fairies

Postby Tandrax » Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:33

baca malo na hawkwind
Fear is the mind-killer.

Glad će navest ljude na promjene, ona bistri um
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Re: Pink Fairies

Postby Blackadder123 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:28


Ove zadnje tri stvari su ta dva albuma koje su John Alder Twink i Paul Rudolph snimili pod imenom 'Pink Fairies' (albumi "Pleasure Island - 1996.g." i "No Picture - 1997.g.") Iako su bili zacetnici benda (onog pravog Pink Fairies-a, 1971.g.), Twink je napustio band nakon prvog albuma "Never Neverland" (1971) a Paul je napustio bend nakon drugog albuma "What A bunch of sweeties" (1972), nakon tog je dosao Larry Wallis kao frontman i sef benda a njemu su tu ulogu uvalili Duncan Sanderson (Bassist skoro svih,osim prvog, albuma The Deviants i svih albuma Pink Fairies), kao i bubnjar Russel Hunter (koji je bio na svim albumima The Deviants i Pink Fairies).

Spominju na drugom albumu ("No Picture - 1997.g.") u knjizici i Motorhead. "ako je Motorhead jedini rnr bend preostao, pazite se, vraca se Pink Fairies". E sad, mnogi ovu postavu Twink i Rudolph ne smatraju pravim Pink Fairies-om jer je Pink Fairies zavrsio 1988, (nakon reuniona 1987 i zadnjeg albuma Kill em and eat em). To je ono nesto slicno kao kad Bodan Arsovski i Kokan Domusevskii koji su sa Vlatkom osnovali Leb i Sol bez Vlatka i Gare Tavitjana snime nesto ispod imena "Leb i Sol". E sad.................. jel.

Inace mozda te baca na Hawkwind jer Twink je bio kratko u Hawkwind-u, a bio je i Paul Rudolph na onom njihovom albumu "Astounding Sound, Amazing Music". Twink, pa bendovi The Deviants, Hawkwind, Pink Fairies i onaj rani sa prvom postavom Motorhead ti je ustvari ista ekipa manje vise. A i lik gitarist Andy Calquhoun koji je bio na zadnjem albumu Pink Fairiesa, je kasnije sa Mick Farrenom (nekad vodja Deviants-a. Covjek koji je gostovao sa Motorheadima, napisao sa Lemmy-em za Hawkwind pjesmu 'Lost Johnny' koju je godinama i Motorhead svirao a na nekim nastupima kao gost Mick pjevao. Takodjer, Mick je autor poznatih Motorheadovih pjesama 'Damage Case' i 'Keep Us On The Road') svirao Mickove solo albume i dva albuma ispod imena The Deviants iako niti to nije onaj pravi Deviiants. A Andy-a su upoznali tako sto je on imao punk band Warsaw Pakt (kacio sam ih tu) koji je pak osnovao sa Lucas Foxom (prvim bubnjarem Motorheada nakon sto je izbacen). Kuzis kako je sve ispresijecano. Dobar ti je i punk band The Rings (imaju samo jedan singl i to je sve) koji je Twink osnovao, to sam isto kacio tu negdje ima na youtube. Evo da ne trazis stavit cu ti dva linka:



A ovo ti je jedan od prvih bendova gdje je Twink bio (taj je bio u puno bendova, a ima dva solo svoja albuma):


Inace Twink ti naziva svoju mjuzu 'Acid Punk', sto je radio i na svom drugom solo albumu, tamo ima novih stvari, ali i ovih starih u koje je radio po bendovima.
Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Re: Pink Fairies

Postby Blackadder123 » Tue Mar 10, 2015 22:22

Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Re: Pink Fairies

Postby Blackadder123 » Sat Aug 18, 2018 20:26

2018 release. The legendary UK psychedelic anarchists return with this fantastic album led by founding Fairy Paul Rudolph! Rudolph is joined by former Hawkwind bassist Alan Davey and original Motörhead drummer Lucas Fox, who not only created a killer rhythm section for the album but also added a bit of sizzling biker-rock to the mix! Another Pink Fairies/Motörhead member, Larry Wallis, was with the band in spirit as they churned out an excellent version of his tune "Old Enuff To Know Better!"


“I’d say this journey started with Nik Turner introducing me to Cleopatra Records. I was asked about the possibility of recording an LP under the Pink Fairies banner and thought – this would be a lot of fun. Get a few people together, turn the amps up to 10 and let ‘er rip.

Larry Wallis wanted to be involved and Matt at Cleopatra suggested Alan Davey on bass and Lucas Fox on drums. It seemed like a good match considering the Hawkwind and Motorhead connections. Both Alan and I had been in Hawkwind and Larry and Lucas in the original Motorhead. We were all mates with Lemmy as well and the creative energy flowed as soon as we got to the studio in Austin.
All of this helped by Jurgen Engler of Die Kruups behind the desk with Eric the engineer.

So here it is – a spontaneous collaboration of ideas recorded mostly live. Thank you for listening.
Peace and Love” – Paul Rudolph

Ovdje su i samplovi pjesama, scroll down:

https://www.amazon.co.uk/Resident-Repti ... t+reptiles
Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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Re: Pink Fairies

Postby Blackadder123 » Sat Aug 25, 2018 15:44

Ovdje mozete cuti citav album for free, samo kliknite 'play':

https://pinkfairies.bandcamp.com/album/ ... t-reptiles
Lemmy: "We are Motorhead and we play rock'n'roll!" (Lemmy: "We were not heavy metal," he snaps. "We were a rock'n'roll band. Still are. Everyone always describes us as heavy metal even when I tell them otherwise. Why won't people listen?")
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