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Cradle of Filth

Za sve ostale bendove miješanih žanrova koji nisu nasli svoje mjesto u niti jednom forumu...

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Postby priestfan » Wed Aug 06, 2014 19:07

Mislim da je okrenuta posljednja stranica ovog legendarnog metal benda. Odradit će ljetne festivale, al za sada je svatko na svojoj strani u smislu projekata i suradnji. Primjerice Dani je radio na ovom: http://schoolcraftmusic.bandcamp.com/tr ... dani-filth
Paul je vjerovatno rekao zbogom Cradleu. Svi se članovi mogu smatrati novima i samo je pitanje kada će Danetu dosaditi ovaj danas totalno nemaštoviti bend.
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Postby Demogorgon » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:13

Ma kurac će mu dosaditi dok mu donosi lovu. Možda bu jedino ona fora da se bend raspusti samo da bi nakon 5 godina bio "reunioun". :roll:

Uostalom kad se gleda od početka ovog benda se svakih par albuma mijenja cijela postava.
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Postby UNKNOWN » Sat Sep 27, 2014 23:47

naletio na ovo neko govno danijevo DEVILMENT. teska srpdacina,
zvuci ko meksi cof sa thronographija. smeće teško......
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Postby kktz » Wed Oct 01, 2014 20:14

ma sve moze proc, sam je na Thornography stvarno precero.
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Postby Conspiracy » Wed Oct 01, 2014 22:22

kktz wrote:ma sve moze proc, sam je na Thornography stvarno precero.

sad baš preslušavam thornography, pošto nisam fan cradlea, meni čak album i ne zvuči loše
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Postby priestfan » Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:53

Thornography zvuči možda i najbolje, a da još smrdi po undergroundu. Godspeed je njihov najlošiji album.
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Postby SELJO_BELJO » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:38

priestfan wrote:Thornography zvuči možda i najbolje, a da još smrdi po undergroundu. Godspeed je njihov najlošiji album.

ti mora da si na teskim drogama...taj album je klasa samo takva i definitivno najdrazi od novijih...thornography je deff najlosiji kak god okrenes...
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Re: Cradle of Filth

Postby Demogorgon » Mon Dec 01, 2014 12:24

Najavili novi album, pa da čujemo što mogu novi gitaristi. Pošto dolaze iz hevijanerskih voda, mogao bi album biti dosta gitaristički. I onaj bubnjar, konačno, više ne dela kljave, tak da više neće zajebavati s njima. Valjda ova baba nemre biti gora od njega, premda bi bilo najbolje da ih skroz izbace, ili ih ostave samo u pozadini za atmosferu.
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Re: Re:

Postby Mile » Mon Dec 01, 2014 17:37

priestfan wrote:Thornography zvuči možda i najbolje, a da još smrdi po undergroundu. Godspeed je njihov najlošiji album.

ti mora da si na teskim drogama...taj album je klasa samo takva i definitivno najdrazi od novijih...thornography je deff najlosiji kak god okrenes...

ti mora da si na teskim drogama...samo Vempire... i goth romanse :inlove:
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Re: Cradle of Filth

Postby SELJO_BELJO » Mon Dec 08, 2014 14:56

O novom albumu!
CRADLE OF FILTH have begun recording their new opus nocturne at Grindstone studios, Suffolk, with producer Scott Atkins, in preparation for a Summer release date of June 26th via Nuclear Blast records.
In actual fact, this week has borne witness to all of the drum tracks being finished by drummer extraordinaire Martin 'Marthus' Skaroupka, who has just posted a five minute long studio report for your vulgar delectation. This can be viewed online at the following address....


The ten track new album (under the working title of 'Hammer Of The Witches') promises to be a real return to the classic Cradle of yore, with some surprising fists, twists and turns along the way.
Next up to the grindstone is new guitarist Ashok, who will be entering deepest, darkest Suffolk at the end of next week to lay down some of the most furious, intricate, melodic, flesh-ripping guitar riffs to ever grace a CRADLE OF FILTH album with their electric presence.
More as things develop, or take a turn for the worst!
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Re: Cradle of Filth

Postby Mile » Mon Dec 08, 2014 23:17

Furiozno istančani melodični mesočupajuči riffovi. Opasan na kub.
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Re: Cradle of Filth

Postby SELJO_BELJO » Tue Dec 23, 2014 13:58

Mile wrote:Furiozno istančani melodični mesočupajuči riffovi. Opasan na kub.


CRADLE OF FILTH guitarist Marek 'Ashok' Smerda has now finished all his parts for the new album, which promises to be, like forced eye grips, a real 'eye-opener'!
The album -which compromises ten tracks and festers under the working title of 'Hammer Of The Witches'- is being recorded at Grindstone studios, Suffolk, under the exquisite therionship of producer Scott Atkins, and has been likened to the very gory glory days of Cradle's yore.
Ashok, pumped to the Nines, had this to say about his experience...

'There are some riffs on this album that are so fast and ornate that my mind literally started to bleed, as well as my hands! And there are also some guitar melodies so heart-rending that I actually wept... more blood! It was really coming thick and fast!
The good thing here is the emphasis on 'blood' though. A body can never get enough!
The album is truly amazing and I think the result will be a really massive wall of sound.
And we can't wait to play this monster live!
A merry fucking Xmas and a happy New Year to you all!'.

The new album will be unleashed on June 26th 2015 via Nuclear Blast.

Cradle play Wacken, Rockharz, Brutal Assult, Summer Breeze, Graspop, and Hellfest amongst many more Summer festivals yet to be confirmed, and all before heading off to the glorious U.S. Of A for an extensive tour come Fall.

Stay tuned 'Filth mongers!
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Re: Cradle of Filth

Postby Mile » Tue Dec 23, 2014 17:17

'There are some riffs on this album that are so fast and ornate that my mind literally started to bleed, as well as my hands! And there are also some guitar melodies so heart-rending that I actually wept... more blood! It was really coming thick and fast!
The good thing here is the emphasis on 'blood' though. A body can never get enough!
The album is truly amazing and I think the result will be a really massive wall of sound.
And we can't wait to play this monster live!
A merry fucking Xmas and a happy New Year to you all!'.

:roll02: :roll02: ma nek idu u pičku materinu s takvim opisima svog rada.
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Re: Cradle of Filth

Postby SELJO_BELJO » Tue Dec 23, 2014 22:36

bome i ja sam se dobro proparao :lol: seljacine :lol:
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Re: Cradle of Filth

Postby Demogorgon » Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:12

I kad misliš da mali gnom nemre gore, on objavi ovo:


:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

I kako da ih čovjek ozbiljno shvati? i još :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
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