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Symphony X u studiu (već duže) Russell snima solo album

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Symphony X u studiu (već duže) Russell snima solo album

Postby Miracle » Sun Sep 05, 2004 18:55

====== 01.AUG.04 ======
The band is currently splitting time between writing material for the new cd, and some solo project work. Mike Pinnella's solo cd is just about complete, and Russell Allen's solo cd is currently being recorded. A more comprehensive studio report will be posted once they are able to focus solely on the writing.

Russellov solo projekt... mmmm....
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Postby Nephren-ka » Sun Sep 05, 2004 19:47

nema sumnje da ce valjat, samo bih volio da ne slici previse na Symphony x........koji su mi zakon, ali neda mi se slusat ponavljanja i reciklaze :) :wink:
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Postby catriana » Sun Sep 05, 2004 21:32

ja dobila na mail da je pinnellin cd over i jedva cekam da izade a i ovaj russellov nadam se da ce bit dobar
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Postby Ed1934158 » Sun Sep 05, 2004 23:43

Nephren-ka wrote:nema sumnje da ce valjat, samo bih volio da ne slici previse na Symphony x........koji su mi zakon, ali neda mi se slusat ponavljanja i reciklaze :) :wink:

Ne bojim se za to, jer meni svi njihovi albumi po nicemu nisu slicni, of kors, mora postojati crta koja bend cini prepoznatljivim, no to kod njih, po meni, ne prelazi granicu zdrava ukusa.
catrina wrote:ja dobila na mail da je pinnellin cd over i jedva cekam da izade a i ovaj russellov nadam se da ce bit dobar

Dosta sam puta vec cuo za taj solo projekt, zna li mu netko ime? Pitanje vrijedi i za Russelov projekt.

Postby Miracle » Mon Sep 06, 2004 1:04

Pinella je sam odsvirao SVE instrumente, bez gostovanj ikoga i bez vokala. izlazi valjda uskoro.
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Postby Brian » Mon Sep 06, 2004 11:17

Nisam bas totalno upucen u Sym X, ne toliko koliko u Teatar, ali The Odyssey mi je otvorio oci :)
Nadam se da ce novi biti jos bolji, a Allenov solo - that would be nice :)
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Postby catriana » Thu Sep 09, 2004 7:44

na stranici ne pise kak ce se zvat albumi ili kako se zovu
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Postby catriana » Sat Sep 25, 2004 20:34

tralala Michael Pinnella's solo cd, Enter By The Twelfth Gate, now available for PREORDER
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Postby Miracle » Sun Sep 26, 2004 0:49

eh da, radi se i na Lande - Alen projectu!! da - Russell i Jorn zajedno!! :headbanging:
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Postby Dikobraz » Sun Oct 17, 2004 15:34

Hm, to bi moglo biti itekako zanimljivo, no meni je DWOT daleko najbolji album, za nijansu jači i slušljiviji čak i od Odiseja. Teško da mogu nadmašiti što su napravili na DWOT-u, ali ukoliko to i naprave svaka im čast ;) !
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Postby Dikobraz » Sun Oct 17, 2004 15:34

Miracle wrote:eh da, radi se i na Lande - Alen projectu!! da - Russell i Jorn zajedno!! :headbanging:

U jebate ćuk, dva najmoćnija muška vokala u metalu hehe...
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Postby Organic_Shadow » Sun Feb 13, 2005 19:52

The web site of New Jersey prog-metallers SYMPHONY X has been updated with the following message:

"They're working at a good pace on writing the new CD, they have parts of songs put together at this point that are equal to about half of the new CD, and have lots of ideas that they're working with. They're being very critical with this CD, wanting to kick it up a notch from 'The Odyssey' and make it the best stuff yet; thus far they're working with material from Michael Romeo [guitar], Michael Pinnella [keyboards] and Michael LePond [bass]. Mike sounded really intent on cranking out some excellent music; he's in 'the writing zone', and only good things come of it when he's in that mindset.

"When informed that some fans feared that Mike's comment in an earlier studio report about the new CD being 'darker' than 'The Odyssey' would result in Russ [Allen] doing death metal growls or the like, Mike said that wasn't going to happen.

"Also, 'the dungeon' (the band's studio) has recently been gutted and totally revamped and is at its best ever acoustically, which should help contribute to some excellent sound on the new CD."

SYMPHONY X's follow-up to 2002's "The Odyssey" is tentatively due later in the year via InsideOut Music.
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Postby Enigma » Thu Dec 01, 2005 15:48

poslušah pinnellin solo album.. ništa posebno; meni više muzika za prije spavanja.. ima dosta symphony x shema, nije mogao pobjeć od toga
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Postby Enigma » Tue Dec 27, 2005 0:00

ovaj se topic otvorio ima godinu i po.. pa jesu li snimili taj album?
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Postby Enigma » Fri Nov 17, 2006 9:50

evo izgleda da imaju problema pri snimanju albuma, al ga se očekuje poslije nove godine.. baš me zanima kakav će album bit jer nisu ništa izdali 5 godina..
inače, album će se zvat 'paradise lost'..
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